

Seasonality: Nov
Origin: USA

It is considered to have a zestier flavor and aroma than lemons or limes, Sudachi is used mostly as a culinary ingredient to enhance the favor of fish, alcoholic beverages and vinegars.

Sudachi is a hybrid cross between a mandarin and papeda, which is a very sour type of citrus. Grown exclusively for centuries in one region in Japan, the fruit is now being grown in very limited volume in California.

Slightly smaller than a lemon and resembling Yuzu, it is considered to have a zestier flavor and aroma than lemons or limes, Sudachi is used mostly as a culinary ingredient to enhance the favor of fish, alcoholic beverages and vinegars.

Choose citrus that feels heavy (juicy) for its size with a soft but not wrinkled skin that is bright not dull in color. The fruit will stay fresh for two weeks under proper refrigeration.

The following prohibit the shipment of any citrus into their state: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Hawaii.

This item is perishable and must ship at least 2nd day.

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